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How to insure a laptop in PP?

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Johnmac's picture
Joined: 23-May-08
Posts: 153

My NGO has tried to insure my laptop for me (I use it for & bring it to work), however we've been turned down by the 3 main insurers - who only want to insure our whole office & contents.

Does anyone know how I can =insure a single computer here?


chrisincambo's picture
Joined: 30-Mar-09
Posts: 108

Maybe I'm missing something but what's the point on insuring something which probably has a resale value of less than $1000? Just back up often and put a few bucks in your office piggy bank each month ready for the day it becomes technically obsolete, stolen, damaged or broken.

Johnmac's picture
Joined: 23-May-08
Posts: 153

It would depend on what it costs to insure, would it not?

jtv's picture
Joined: 7-Apr-09
Posts: 40

You might be able to get a relatively cheap personal articles insurance policy in your home country, which will cover laptops (and whatever else you schedule) worldwide. I've got one to cover some laptops and camera gear for around US $100 per year with State Farm (in the USA).

Haven't had to file a claim yet, but they said it was no problem going abroad -- the articles are covered for loss due to theft, accidental damage, and just about anything else.

Wal's picture
Joined: 28-Feb-07
Posts: 181

The data in your PC can not be replaced. What then is its value?

The machine and software is all consumable and 100% replaceable.

Backup before you leave home and before you leave the office. You should therefore have 2 copies at geographcally separted locations. Buy 2 more cheap laptops with a terabyte of harddisc on it. That way if you do lose your mobile unit you have a spare ready to use while you are sorting out replacing the lost unit. ie no productivity loss or opportunity costs.

It really is pointless insuring a petty easily replaceable item like a laptop.

The personal effects insurance is fine if you have lots of precious things that you would sorely miss. The cost of making a claim may not be small. Your time and peace of mind has value doesn't it? I am not sure if you can insure if you don't have an address in say the USA or OZ.

Self insure for these things. Take good care of your stuff.

The only insurance I carry here is 3rd party motor, health and liability insurance for project work.

Your NGO should "own" the laptop so it is included in the office inventory insurance.

In other words insure agianst externalities not loss of replaceable material.


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