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Honda Ax-1 250cc for sale

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pstuckings's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-09
Posts: 5

Hi there
This is a mean-looking black Honda Ax-1, 250cc, everything working and running well. I won't pretend it's not an old bike, and without papers. But it's a bargain at US$800. I've ridden it all over Cambodia for the past 5 months and never been stopped by police.
I've spent a lot of money on it, replacing the suspension coil, the engine seals, the starter cog in the engine housing, and a bunch of other small improvements. So you're getting a much better bike than the one I bought 5 months ago.
Why am I selling it? I live in Vietnam and only use it occasionally. Not often enough to justify the trouble of storing it in Phnom Penh.
(The photos are off Google but are identical to the bike. I'll shoot and send actual photos on request.)
Contact me for questions or a chance to test it.

oliles's picture
Joined: 9-Dec-08
Posts: 24

Where can I view and test drive it? How old is the bike when you said old? Do you want how I can get papers for the bike? When you said a whole lot of money on improvements, what sort of dollars are we talking about? Where did you get it done? Any problems with the motor? I currently ride a good o'le Daelim and am looking to step up and avoid the floods. If you do not feel comfortable responding on the forum, you can email me at oliles01 [at] gmail [dot] com. Prompt response would be appreciated because I saw one at around Orrusse Market and very tempted to get it. Thanks.

Anonymous's picture

That's interesting. Here is the same bike for sale in Phnom Penh at $1500,_May_9th,_8_30_a.m..h...

I doubt very much yours is in this kind of condition for $800 !! :twisted: Having no papers makes any bike a pain in the arse an makes you a target for non-stop police hassles. Cost of getting papers is around $700.Anthony ?


Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317

just had the orange DR 350 registered as I wanted to sell it
650 ++ a few extra for some other stuff.

based on engine capacity.

PM me if you want the contact.

It is now much more difficult to get this done but it IS possuible

pstuckings's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-09
Posts: 5

A pain in the arse having no rego? I'm no expert but I've been through dozens of police roadstops and NEVER been stopped or harrassed. A friend in Phnom Penh says in 6 years he's never paid more than $5 for a stop by police. So what would you like - $1500 with rego that makes little difference? Or $800 with no rego? That saves you $700 to spend on police payments. I know which one I prefer. Wink

Anonymous's picture

I prefer NOT having to dodge cops on every major intersection which is what I have to do now if I don't where my helmet ! :twisted: ( which every day !! ).

Sorry, I should make it a bit clearer for any new arrivals or worry warts who might be interested in this bike - not having the papers actually is no big deal ( until you want to sell it to a worry wart )as long as you have the little triangle tax sticker on your front fender.

I agree. A few bucks gets you out of every situation .............


Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317
anthony galloway wrote:
just had the orange DR 350 registered as I wanted to sell it to a worry wart Smile
650 ++ a few extra for some other stuff.

based on engine capacity.

PM me if you want the contact.

It is now much more difficult to get this done but it IS possuible

stewBall's picture
Joined: 30-Dec-08
Posts: 44

In Phnom Penh, dodging police is part of the fun of riding a motorbike!

It doesn't matter whether your bike has papers or not anyway. They always wanna stop a barang, and it doesn't matter whether you've done something wrong or not, if you're not quick enough to get away, you're gonna pay about 10,000 riel (2.5 USD). I've never once, ever, heard of someone being stopped and not having to pay anything to get away.

Oh, and wear a helmet! Phnom Penh has one of the highest accident rates in the world, it doesn't matter how you drive, someone else could do the most mind numbingly stupid thing you've ever seen on a road and mess you up gooooooood.

pstuckings's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-09
Posts: 5

Hey there, thanks for the comments. Of course it's better to have rego, but that's why this bike is cheap! Wink It's got the orange tax sticker right up front.
Ok, let me know if you want to test-ride it.


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